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All the tricks on this page are individually made to your order, so please either use the contact form, email or just give me a call. If you see any other of my tricks on YouTube and you would like to purchase and it's within my bounds, I will happily give you a quote and make it for you.
A modern day story of Adam and Eve but more about Eve and how Sin is getting her down. Then again it could be about you !!!
Cost is $30.00 + $11. shipping
Does Satan rule your Life ? Let it be God that has the Power over Satan.
Cost is $10.00 + $8.50. shipping with enough for 10 performances.
By what label are we known? By what labels are others known?
Cost is $40.00 + $11. shipping
Is it a bird ? Is it a plane ? NOOOOOOOOOO, it's Super Christian, that one day a week christian.
Cost is $35.00 + $11. shipping.
Who is my neighbor?
Love your enemy !!!
In sickness and in health.
Cost is $35.00 + $11. shipping
Money, money, money, it's a rich man's world. Or is it ?
Cost is $30.00 + $11. shipping.
What's more important at Christmas ? Santa, Frosty or Presents !
Cost is $40.00 +$11. shipping.
A FREE cruise for those who are brave enough to venture unchartered waters.
Cost is $47.50 + $18.50 shipping.
Let your CHRISTmas be jolly and bright BUT don't forget it's all about Jesus.
Cost is $40.00 + $11. Shipping.
Is anyone really listening !! Find a way to communicate.
Cost is $47.50 + $19,30. Shipping.
A trick with a twist and the unforgettable biblical message 'the world is not enough'.
'What do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?'
Cost is $30.00 + $11. Shipping.
Does this sound familiar?
One night I dreamed a dream.
As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashes scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to me and one to my Lord.
My son ............................... that's when I carried you.
Does that ring bells?
Today and forever, Jesus reaches out.
A simple trick to show how, yesterday, today and forever, Jesus is there reaching out to you and He just wants you to reach out to Him.
Cost is $25. + $11 shipping.
God in the beginning made man and over the age of time the population has grown. naturally not everyone from the early days are still with us but we can rest assure that God has always been here for us.
Cost is $25. + $11. shipping.
An apple tree grew in an orchard...
One day some small worms appeared on the tree and began to speak to the apples ...
I wish I could learn to fly, the apples said.
We will teach you if you let us be friends and let us live inside of you.
The worms asked the apples who it was that they said they cannot fly? and said that the vitamins that they produced was to help others to be healthy?
"God told us that was why He created us." Answered the apples...
"Stay here with us and do not trust the worms," said the other apples. But they would not listen.
A gust of wind came and shook the tree and shook some of the apples to the ground.
I'm flying. I'm flying, the apples cried . But the flight soon ended as the apples crashed to the ground...
The apples that wanted to fly were thrown into the trash. Who wants a worm eaten apple?
Cost is $25. + $11. Shipping.
This is a 3 stage comedy mind reading trick with you dressing up your helper and yourself to acheive the results in each stage.
Comes complete with all you will need except for your volunteer who you will have to provide. The final reveal leads you straight into your Gospel message.
Cost is $47.50 + $19.30 shipping.
There is nothing better in your show than hearing your audience laugh and this trick is designed to do that.
Do you have everything you want or will you settle for what you need? That is the question you ask when you ask for 2 volunteers to come and assist. No problem getting help as you wave $1000 in front of their eyes ( I even throw in the money).
You will love dealing with this Bank because not only do they meet your needs but there is no interest and better still they ask for NO repayment. By the way. isn't it time you made an appointment? The name of the Bank Manager is JESUS.Cost is $47.50 + $19.30 shipping.
A modern day story about Adam.
Are you enjoying the way you have chosen or is your enjoyment just a sham?
Are you putting on that Happy face because you are happy or is it because it is expected of you?
Are the pressures of life becoming a burden that just won't leave you alone?
Can you face your burdens and deal with them?
Did you know that over 2000 years ago a way was made for you to face those burdens and set you free? Did you know that?
With the aid of these pictures you can explain why it took 1 cross and 3 nails to = 4given.
Cost is $30. + $11. Shipping.
We all like games and this is a simple game of following one picture. Couldn't be simpler can it !!! or can it ? If you are up for the challenge then join me in a game of " Follow Who."
Cost is $30. + $11. shipping.
This trick is not stickly about Christmas but this takes us from the beginning of time through to why Jesus came and died. Its a fun matching game .
Cost is $35. + $11. shipping.
Children love stories about someone who faces up to his foe and knocks him down a peg or two.
What Sunday School child has not heard the story of David and Goliath? for those that might not, then you can retell the story to them using these cards.
Some of you have seen my trick "Reaching Out" and "The Gathering" and will think this is the same but with different pictures and you would be right and at the same time be wrong. The difference is the ending has a twist that you weren't expecting.
Cost is $30. + $11. shipping.
It's official, it is Christmas and Jesus is missing.
We have taken Jesus out of Christmas and replaced Him with an X. Merry Xmas we hear people say. Greeting cards even say Merry Xmas or Season Greetings. Where is Jesus?
With the aid of a 4 piece puzzle we try to put together to find what has gone wrong.
Father Christmas fills our picture but something is missing because there is a gap in the middle. Can you find something or someone to fill the missing piece?
Santa is here again. No Christmas would be complete without Santa and his faithful reindeer Rudolph. You can now complete that picture.
Two tricks for the price of oneCost is $27.50 + shipping.
What is it that Santa has but Jesus doesn't?
What is it that Santa and Jesus have in common?
Well with this simple trick you will soon find out and be able to let others in on the secrets as well.
One little thing you will need to add is . . . . some imagination.
Cost is $25. + $11. shipping
It's Christmas and Jesus has been removed and been replaced with an X.
Cost is $27.50 + shipping.
How would you like for your Heavenly Bank Manager Jesus to GIVE you what you need and never ask, "When are you going to repay me?".
Cost is $47.50 + $10. shipping.