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One could use this when we are trying to show that God knows what we are going to do before we do it. We have a free choice but God knows what choice we will make.
Be sure to watch the video to get the full effect of this great trick and the routine you can use to teach a Bible lesson.
Cost is $25. + $11. shipping.
The new game show to make you richer than your wildest dreams.
The host for the show is none other than the infamous Mr, DeVil (DeVil, not devil).
Mr DeVil will select just one contestant to go for the prize of a lifetime and it could be you and if it is, then all you have to do is MAKE YOUR CHOICE.
Just some of the prizes on offer are POWER and POPULARITY.
Enough MONEY to buy the world 10 times over and still have change in your pocket.
Or ALL the FOOD you could ever want without having to worry about the thing you should or should not eat.
Just those prizes alone are enough to get you drooling and wanting to play, so what's stopping you?
Cost is $40. + $11. shipping.
6 laminated pictures are clipped to a length of rope having shown both sides, 3 Happy faces and then 3 Sad faces. With a quick move of the hands the pictures are now alternated. The pictures tell the story of who it is that turns our tears of sadness into tears of joy.
God became man and more than that, He wept, He had feelings.
He wept tears of JOY and tears of SADNESS.
Let Jesus turn our tears of sadness into tears of joy.
But in ALL things we can know the JOY of the Lord.
Cost is $47.50 + $11. shipping.
Many of us come from different backgrounds, cultures and countries which explain why we look different to others BUT God only sees the inside of us and treats us all the same.
Do you know the children's song, Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world .......... that's good because I want to tell you a simple story just about that with the aid of these 3 cards. Jesus loves to be surrounded by children and this picture shows Jesus as being the Good Shepherd and has gathered children from all around the world to Him. Jesus stretches out around the world ( Start the stretching of the card ) and as he looks at you He smiles and that is what Jesus wants you to do, smile and remember that Jesus Loves You.
Cost is $25. + $11. shipping.
When was your, "Best Christmas Ever?"
Was it when you got your 1st bike or that Doll's House or something else?
This is a fun colorful way to present the story of the Nativity.
Having placed the 3 pictures in the empty folder you tell how the Wise men having given their gifts to the baby Jesus went on their way .
Joseph, having been told in a dream to take Mary and the baby that night and flee to Egypt .
After some fun in showing the folder is indeed empty you show that the baby Jesus card is not there but ................................ watch the video for the full story.
Cost is $35. + $11. shipping.
Are you enjoying the way you have chosen or is your enjoyment just a sham?
Are you putting on that Happy face because you are happy or is it because it is expected of you?
Are the pressures of life becoming a burden that just won't leave you alone?
Can you face your burdens and deal with them?
Did you know that over 2000 years ago a way was made for you to face those burdens and set you free? Did you know that?
With the aid of these pictures you can explain why it took 1 cross and 3 nails to = 4given.
Cost is $30. + $11. shipping.
Having shown 4 cards with Father Christmas on them, tell your audience how 100 people were asked what they thought the top 4 Christmas gifts would be and tell them that you have a picture of each behind each Father Christmas.
Ask 2 members of your audience to call out any 2 of them. Remove 2 invisibly from the pack and place them on your table.
Ask which of those 2 should 1st go back in the pack and then replace the last one. One of these 2 cards is reversed. before you visibly show the reversed card, explain how before you started, you knew which gift would be chosen and spread out the cards to show you was correct in knowing their choice.
Spread the cards and all will see that the invisible reversed card is now visible and not only that BUT on the back is a different color Father Christmas.
How did you do that, they may ask and you happily oblige by reversing the 3 other Father Christmases' to reveal the answer.
Once you are finished you will be able to talk about how our father in Heaven sent His Son Jesus to be the Greatest Gift of all.
Cost is $25. + $11. shipping.
Just an everyday story about a just ordinary gardener who planted his seeds in his ordinary garden. Can you imagine his surprise when he keeps finding he has more than he planted? So will you be when you use these jumbo fruit cards to tell the modern day story of the Sower and the Seeds.
Cost is $25. + $11. shipping.
The Story of Daniel in the lions den with a souvenir for your helper to keep as a momento.
Daniel in the lions den, OH NO.
Will he be devoured?
Is this really the end for Daniel?
Will there be a way out?
These lions are hungry having not had a good meal in days.
Can anything or anyone save Daniel NOW?
Buy NOW to find what really did happen.
Cost is $42.75 + $18.50 shipping.
It's Christmas and Jesus has been removed and been replaced with a X.
Cost is $27.50 + shipping.
How would you like for your Heavenly Bank Manager Jesus to GIVE you what you need and never ask, "When are you going to repay me?".
Cost is $47.50 + $10. shipping.