Phone 732 657 5101
Rev. R. J. Brotherton - Pastor - Ocean Christian Community Church - Toms River- New jersey
As Pastor of the above mentioned church I invited Ray Franklyn to do a presentation at one of our recent Sunday morning family services.
I am pleased to give an excellent report on the way Ray led the service and the very good feedback that ensued from the congregation. Ray began his presentation by stating his program was not just about magic entertainment or simply a magic show but was based on sleight of hand and tricks that anyone could learn. He further shared that all of his show would be used to demonstrate aspects of the Gospel of Christ. This he did with everyone seeing and understanding the love of God reflected in Christ's sacrifice on our behalf. The morning proved an overwhelming success and therefore I would recommend Ray Franklyn of "Magic Hands Promotions" to you for a Sunday Service or any special event you may be holding.
Before anything else, I do NOT DO MAGIC. It is God who performs the miracles, I only entertains and presents Bible Truths. Unlike in my normal Family Shows, my Gospel Show is made up of two parts; The first forty minutes is simply fun family magic followed by the last twenty minutes of presenting the Gospel with further fun magic and maybe puppets. Here I can present God's Word in a way that the audience can see, hear, remember and hopefully respond.
Ray Franklyn Gospel Magician is someone who finds the best way to teach abstract spiritual truths by using slight of hand with colorful props to entertain whilst presenting the Gospel in a way that holds ones attention. For example, concepts such as faith or salvation cannot be seen, yet Gospel Illusions make such explanations tangible or concrete.
“Truly I say to you, whoever does not accept, receive, and welcome the Kingdom of God like a little child, does not any way enter it at all.” (Luke 18:17 AMP)
Jesus loved to use children as the example all of us should follow, but so many of we adults get so bound up in those “things” that keep us locked into the present that we forget how to be childlike. Thankfully, the Lord does have those who remain childlike well into adulthood who can be used to present and bring to life His Kingdom and the message of salvation. Ray (Franklyn) Nodder is one of those who lives his life with a childlike faith. Because of the simplicity of his faith, the Lord has given him the ability to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that makes all of us – from 8 to 80 – children once again.
The illusions and the lightheartedness of Ray's delivery of the Message draws us all. Even as a “seasoned” Christian, I found myself pulled into his “sermon”. Like a stealth bomber, Ray flies under the radar of the skeptical and hardened hearted. The audience may believe they are coming to see a “magic show”, but leave having been introduced to the majesty of the Most High. Anyone seeking to have the Gospel presented in an innovative, as well as effective way, would be blessed by Ray's ministry. I know Ray personally, as well as a fellow minister. He and his message are a delight.
Blessings -
Patricia Greeley
Rev. Patricia Greeley
The Way, The Truth and The Life
John 14:6.
Jesus came into this world of darkness to bring light and hope to the lost. He left the glories of Heaven to be born on this earth as a baby, to become a man and to die for OUR sins. Through His resurrection He made a path for us to be forgiven and to have a life in eternity with Him.
For Pastors, Youth Ministers or Sunday School Teachers who might just want to purchase a trick or 2 to use, may I suggest you look at these website:
Also there is a selection of the tricks I have also made up on my "Shop page".
Why does Ray use ‘magic’ to present the Gospel?
Answer: The use of magic is an exciting way to present the Gospel and Biblical Truths.
The Bible says we should not practice magic!
Answer: The Bible says we should NOT practice occult magic.
Should Christians use or perform magic?
Answer: At the beginning of my show, I explains that I do not use or have any special powers to perform miracles as it is only God who can perform miracles. All I use is slight of hand and fun to put over The Gospel of Christ.
Why use magic to present The Gospel?
Answer: ‘Magic Tricks’ are only used as a tool, object lesson or as a visual aid in teaching a Biblical Truth or message of Christ. As a Gospel magician it is important that one stays focused on presenting The Message of Christ first and foremost. One must remain grounded in the truth and not waiver from what one believes. Gospel magic does not enhance the message, or give it more conviction. Magic is just the tool that when used properly can be both enjoyable and rewarding.
How do I book you to come to our Church?
Answer: Just click on the "CONTACT ME".
The Good News of Jesus Christ is that he loves everyone of you and wants you to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. "For God so loved the world that he sent His only begotten Son to die for US, ( that's you and me ) so that we may live". John 3: 16.
Gospel Magic is only a tool to use to help illustrate the teachings of Scripture in a fun yet meaningful way, to help create a lasting memory and hopefully will be an aid in helping you to decide to become a follower of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
You cannot earn God's Love. You cannot buy God's love. God offers his love freely and all you have to do is to accept it. "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love". 1 Cor 13: 13.
It's good to receive presents at Christmas BUT the best present you could receive is to have Jesus come into your life. In fact that is what God wants for Christmas.
Creation Restored. Gen 1: 1.